

 1. Introduction of low pH incubation virus inactivation

In the production process of biological products,Virus removal and inactivation is a crucial process step,CDE《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》及ICH Q5A《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台》中明确规定来源于动物细胞系的生物技术产品至少需要两种不同原理的病毒灭活/去除的步骤来保证产品无病毒污染。在抗体工艺流程设计中,典型的设计是在Protein A亲和层析后加上低pH孵育病毒灭活的工艺,低pH是最常用的病毒灭活方法,此方法相对简单、占地面积小并且通常不需要干预或者附加步骤即可灭活病毒。一个典型的病毒灭活操作包括酸化(VIA)和中和(VIN)步骤,亲和层析产物被调整到 pH 值3.6左右,并保持一段时间,以实现足够的病毒灭活,调节到接近中性的 pH 值(VIN),以便下一步处理。

2. Research significance 

在IgG4单克隆抗体(mAb IgG4-N1)的低pH病毒灭活(VI)放大过程中,观察到大量可溶性产物聚集,而在相同条件下的小规模实验显示聚集可忽略不计。Uneven mixing and product exposure to low pH were identified as the root cause。为了解释该问题的机理,通过改变关键参数(包括pH、放置时间和蛋白质浓度)来研究蛋白质聚集特性。


 3. Experimental results 

3.1. Comparison between scale-up and laboratory scale
Table 1 - Aggregation during scale-up and laboratory scale VI

Use contains 66.5 L PAE(亲和层析洗脱收集液)且叶轮搅拌速度为50 rpm的SUM-100 Mixer进行IgG4-N1放大生产的VI。As shown in Table 1, the HMW aggregation levels of VIA and VIN samples were 1, respectively.7%和7.1%。VIN样品中的聚体量超过了IPT标准,并导致该批次生产失败。

Laboratory-scale tests were then carried out to simulate the scale-up conditions。在50 mL小烧杯中使用与放大操作相同的酸碱添加比例并使用磁力搅拌棒进行充分混合。如表1所示,实验室规模的VIA和VIN样品的HMW水平分别为1.3%和2.4%,远低于放大生产的HMW含量,因此VIN过程中显著的聚体形成与规模有关。由于放大规模中 SUM-100 Mixer使用顶部安装的叶轮,两个规模混合条件的差异可能会导致产品聚集差异。为了测试这一点,酸滴定过程进行搅拌与不搅拌对比实验,发现两组实验VIA和VIN样品的HMW水平分别从1.3% increased to 3.5%和2.4% increased to 13.0%。为了从机理上理解导致产物聚集的关键因素,我们进一步研究了IgG4-N1在相关溶液条件下的分子特性。

3.Influencing factors of polymer generation
Figure 1 Influencing factors on IgG4-N1 aggregation。(a) At VIA pH 3.0-3.8 under the product polymer level。PAE被调整到目标VIA pH条件并保持1小时,然后中和到pH 5.5, and determine the SEC after overnight placement。(b) Product at pH 5.5-8.Polymer level at 5。PAE直接调整到目标VIN pH条件,并测定过夜放置后的SEC。(c) at pH 3.3 SEC determination was performed on VIA unneutralized samples with different placement times under different conditions。(d) pH 5 at different times.The VIN samples were superimposed by SEC chromatography under 5 conditions。VIA sample at pH 3.3 Neutralize to pH 5 after 3 hours.5, and then put different time;The control sample was PAE at pH 4.6 pH adjustment is not performed。(e) SEC-MALS data from samples VIA (pH 3.Incubate for 3 hours under 3 conditions)。(f) SEC-MALS data for VIN samples (VIA at pH 3.Incubate at 3 for 3 hours and then neutralize to pH 5.5,放置3.5小时)。

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Effects of pH:

At pH 3.0-3.8之间研究了VIA的pH值对IgG4-N1聚集的影响,对pH值为5.5的VIN样品进行测试,以评估IgG4-N1暴露于各种VIA pH条件后的聚集行为。pH5.5 VIN样品的聚体水平通常在VIN pH值调节后约20小时达到稳定(如下所述),因此,在进行SEC测定前,将样品储存一夜。在较低的VIA pH值(图1a)下,VIN样品的HMW水平从1.6%(pH3.8) Nonlinearity increases to about 70% (pH 3.0), indicating that a lower pH value significantly leads to IgG4-N1 aggregation。

Effects of Hold time:

在评估HMW水平之前,将IgG4-N1 PAE样品调节至pH 3.3, leave at room temperature for different times (from 20 minutes to 24 hours)。如图1c所示,当直接测定VIA样品SEC而不进行pH回调时,SEC色谱图上观察到明显的前肩峰,并且肩峰的大小随VIA放置时间延长成比例增加。SEC-MALS数据(图1e,f)表明,对应于前肩峰组分与天然单体具有相同的分子量,因此可能是具有较大流体动力学半径的部分未折叠组分。为了研究VIN放置时间的影响,在SEC检测前,将放置3小时的VIA样品中和至pH 5.5, and leave at room temperature for different times (from 10 minutes to 24 hours)。In Figure 1d, at pH 3.3下观察到的前肩峰随着VIN放置时间增加而减少,并在24小时后最终消失,同时伴随着高分子量聚集物的增加。

Interaction of pH, Hold time, and protein concentration:

Using JMP®软件设计的全析因实验设计评估了通过pH、放置时间和IgG4-N1聚集的蛋白质浓度之间的相互作用。为了有助于此评估,通过使用单体衰减指数方程(方程1:)拟合动力学实验的单体分数来获得聚集速率常数(k值)。如图2a所示,由于蛋白质浓度对IgG4-N1聚集的影响在较低pH下更为明显,因此较低的蛋白质浓度产生较低的聚集电位。The curves in Figures 2b and 2c show a pH of 5, respectively.5 VIN的样品的相对聚集和单体含量,这些样品最初在30.A protein concentration of 0 g/L is subjected to a lower pH (3.0-3.6)。The contour plot in Figure 2d summarizes the data conforming to equation 1。结果表明,随着pH的降低,k以非线性方式增加(在pH约为3.The inflection point was observed at 3) and further increased with protein concentration。根据拟合曲线计算出的单体和高分子量值与此条件下的实验数据非常一致,因此,模型拟合的k值可用于比较不同VI条件,并提供了聚集倾向的定量评估,而无需对每个单独条件进行实验。例如,在图2e和2f中,“5分钟时HMW%”和“稳定期HMW%”的等高线图表明,由于产品聚集动力学强烈依赖于pH,VIA放置时间对VIN样品中的HMW水平有显著影响。


图2 pH和蛋白质浓度对IgG 4-N1聚集行为的交互影响。(a)在不同pH和蛋白质浓度条件下,放置1h的VIN样品的HMW含量。(b) The polymer content of VIN sample was determined at 30 g/L pH。(c)b中所示样品的单体含量,并用指数单体衰变方程(方程式1)得到回归曲线。(d) The contour map of the rate constant k is fitted with equation 1。(e)通过放置5分钟的样品计算VIN HMW含量的等高线图。(f) The contour map of high HMW content in VIN sample was obtained by equation 1。All VIN samples in (a)-(f) are adjusted to pH5.5。

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3.3 Conformational stability and colloidal stability of IgG4-N1 under VI conditions

通过使用差示扫描荧光法(DSF)比较其在各种溶液条件下的热稳定性来表征IgG4-N1的Conformational stability;利用荧光光谱和荧光光谱技术研究了VIA和VIN样品的相对表观蛋白质疏水性;利用DLS数据分析获得扩散相互作用参数KD值表征胶体稳定性,The higher the KD value is,The more stable the colloid is。

Conformational stabilityAs shown in Table 2, Tm increases with pH, which is about 7.An inflection point occurs at 0, after which Tm begins to decline。使用荧光光谱和荧光SEC进行了进一步研究,以更好地了解与特定溶液条件下的Conformational stability相关的特定IgG4-N1特征(例如疏水性)。由于蛋白质去折叠通常伴随着疏水区域的暴露,通过荧光染料(Sypro Orange)的荧光光谱分析IgG4-N1结构,以测量随着VIA和VIN pH条件的变化而产生的潜在表面亲水性变化。如图3a所示,VIA样品的最大荧光强度在VIA放置期间(从10分钟到3小时)随时间增加,表明pH 3.3下表面疏水性增加是由IgG4-N1的去折叠导致的(图1c)。The polymer levels of these samples remained largely unchanged during the study period。相反,如图3b所示,VIN样品的最大荧光强度随着研究时间的推移而降低,这表明在pH值为5.At 5, the sample is gradually refolded into a less hydrophobic form。
通过荧光SEC表征表面疏水性增强的样品的大小,以探索蛋白质去折叠的分子影响。As shown in Figure 4a, the pH is 3.The maximum fluorescence peak of 3 VIA samples (about 8.25分钟)显著高于所用的pH值调节前(即PAE洗脱液)样品,即使VIA样品仅放置10分钟。荧光峰随着时间的推移进一步增加,并在很大程度上与UV280色谱图上单体峰的前肩峰重叠(图4b)。相反,如UV 280色谱图(图4d)所示,VIN样品(图4c)中单体峰的荧光强度显著降低,其样品质量与图4a相同。These results indicate that IgG4-N1 monomer has a pH of 3.At 3, it is at least partially unfolded and remains as a monomer until the pH is neutralized。此时,部分未折叠和相对疏水的单体发生了复性过程,同时伴随着高分子量水平的增加。在VIN放置期间,复性缓慢地持续数个小时,这导致高分子量聚集的形成,如图4c和d以及图1d所示。

Colloidal stability:As shown in Figure 5, pH is 3.The KD value of the VIA sample of 3 (0.191±0.002 mL/mg) with a pH ratio of 4.6 PAE control groups (0.032±0.004 mL/mg), more than 6 times higher than pH5.5 VIN samples (0.021±0.001 mL/mg, nearly 10 times higher。IgG4-N1在低pH下更好的胶体稳定性可能是由于更强的分子间排斥作用,阻止部分未折叠单体相互作用。VIN条件下较低的胶体稳定性可能是由于分子间排斥力较弱,导致在VIN步骤中完成复性过程之前,未折叠单体更容易聚集。


Table 2 Tm values of IgG4-N1 under different pH conditions


图3  IgG4-N1在不同放置时间下的VIA和VIN样品的荧光强度。(a) at pH 3.3下放置不同时间(10分钟-3小时)的VIA样品(b)VIAAt pH 3.3 Place VIN sample at pH 5 for 1 hour.5 Different time (0-48 hours)。


图4 不同放置时间的VIA和VIN样品的在线荧光SEC数据。(a) at pH 3.3下不同放置时间(10分钟-3小时)的VIA样品在线荧光扫描结果。The vertical dashed line corresponds to 8.25 minutes of placement time。(b) UV 280 nm signal superposition of the same sample in a。(c) VIN sample at pH 5.5下不同放置时间(10分钟24小时)的荧光扫描( VIA sample at pH 3.3 Leave for 1 hour)。(d) UV 280 nm signal superposition of the same sample in c。


FIG. 5 KD values of VIA samples under different pH conditions

3.4 Surface charge

如图5a所示,随着pH的降低,净电荷如预期般增加,而总电荷减少。如前所述,较低pH下的净电荷和总电荷有助于排斥静电相互作用,阻碍单体缔合和相对良好的胶体稳定性。然而,分子内排斥不可避免地影响维持蛋白质天然结构的静电、范德华力和氢键力的平衡,这解释了在较低pH下Conformational stability较低的原因。

The surface charge distribution of IgG4-N1 was calculated to further investigate pH 4.5到3.3 Molecular stability among which several clusters undergo charge property changes (Figure 5b)。由于互补性决定区、CH1和CH3结构域中的簇在分子表面,它们的电荷性质可能通过蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用在低pH下促进IgG4-N1的胶体稳定性。就共聚焦稳定性而言,CH2结构域中的两个电荷簇非常接近,并可能在较低pH下影响IgG4-N1结构,可能涉及这些区域中的两种酸性物质,天冬氨酸(表示为“D”)和谷氨酸(表示为“E”)。


图6  IgG4-N1在不同pH条件下的电荷特性(a)pH 3.0-7.0时的净电荷和总电荷,以及相应的表面电荷分布,其中正电荷、负电荷和中性电荷分别用蓝色、红色和白色表示。(b) pH 4.5、3.6和3.Surface charge distribution at 3, where pH 4.The negatively charged clusters at 5 (CH2) are circled in yellow and red。

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3.5Effects of buffer components and excipients on aggregation

如图6所示,评估了几种缓冲成分和赋形剂对IgG4-N1Conformational stability和聚集倾向的影响。例如,与对照条件相比,向VIA缓冲体系中添加10%(w/v)甘露醇可使聚集速率常数降低4.2倍。Correspondingly, compared with the control condition (T=34.3±0.1℃) compared to IgG4-N1 showed a moderate increase in Tm(38.9±0.3℃)。结果表明,蛋白质稳定性调节剂(如甘露醇)可以有效减少低pH VI下的聚集形成。This protein-stabilizing effect of mannitol is consistent with other reports。

图7 缓冲液组分和赋形剂对酸诱导IgG4-N1聚集速率常数k值的影响。

3.6 CFD modeling to solve scaling challenges for low pH VI operations

作者开发了CFD建模工具,以模拟酸滴定过程中VI容器内pH分布随时间的动态变化。As shown in Figure 7, the local low pH zone in the acid addition process is pH3.3的等表面表示,该等表面是根据实验结果中IgG4-N1的聚集特性设置的。The pH inside the surface is below 3.3, the pH value outside the surface is higher than 3.3。Acid inlet (pH is 1.0) The surface of the liquid located in the center of the highlighted low pH area。使用SUM-100运行1(原始放大运行)的过程参数,在开始加酸后,表面积从1秒时的0.0024 m2Increased to 0 for 192 seconds.033 m2, about a 14-fold increase (Figure 8a)。局部低pH区的大小取决于所用的混合参数,并直接反映了酸滴定过程中产物聚集的风险。使用CFD模型将局部低pH区最小化,以获得最佳VI操作参数,包括酸添加速率、混合持续时间和搅拌速度。如表3所示,对于SUM-100第2次运行和SUM-50第3次运行,建议采用0.1 L/h/L的较慢酸添加速率、2700 s的延长混合时间和3.5 W/m3的较高搅拌速度(单位体积功率,P/V)(相对于SUM-100 run 1的2.6 L/h/L, 192 s and 1.2 W/m3)。在新的操作条件下,计算的表面积得到有效控制,从酸滴定过程开始到结束仅增加约2倍(运行2从0.00045 m2Increase to 0.00096 m2, run 3 from 0.00030 m2Increase to 0.00067 m2), as shown in Figures 8b and c。结果表明,在不同VI操作条件下,ILPZ值(总输出参数,在这里称为积分低pH区(ILPZ),用来量化等表面积、混合持续时间和蛋白质浓度对IgG4-N1聚集的综合影响)与聚体形成呈正相关。As shown in Figure 8d, the ILPZ value of SUM-100 running 1 reaches 2.92 m3 s,而SUM-1002和SUM-50运行3的ILPZ值分别仅达到0.36 m3 s和0.23 m3 s。The product aggregation levels for Run 1, Run 2, and Run 3 were 7, respectively.1%、1.8%和1.3%,这表明ILPZ是优化和评估VI过程性能的有效模型参数。


表3 SUM-100和SUM-50两种Mixer中的VI操作参数及表现


Figure 8 Using CFD to simulate the mixed conditions of SUM operation。(a) The SUM-100 operates under non-optimal mixed conditions1。(b) The SUM-100 operates under optimized mixed conditions2。(c) SUM-50 operates under optimized mixed conditions.3。(d) Integrated low pH zone for three runs (m3 s) as a function of time, in seconds (s)。Local low pH areas in (a), (b), and (c)≤pH 3.3) In red。


4.1  IgG4-N1的低pH VIThe influencing factors of forming polymers in the process

混合条件较差会导致VIA过程中形成低pH区,并在VIN过程导致严重的产物聚集。IgG4-N1 tends to accumulate at pH 3.0–3.At 3 than at pH 3.6–8.5 o 'clock is much faster。

At pH 3.3–3.Between 6 and 6, the aggregation rate constant is observed to affect the protein concentration (7.5–30 g/L) weakly dependent at pH 3.0–3.A stronger dependence was observed between 3。

4.2   IgG4-N1的低pH VIDescription of the molecular behavior in the process



4.3   Practical application

IgG4-N1聚集主要归因于酸滴定过程中的非均相混合条件,使用小规模的混合设备时该影响通常是微不足道的,但当使用大规模的系统时需要额外的注意。In addition, improving buffer components or adding excipients can appropriately reduce the aggregation tendency。

Literature source:[1]. Weixin Jin, Zizhuo Xing, Yuanli Song, Chao Huang, Xuankuo Xu, Sanchayita Ghose & Zheng Jian Li (2019) Protein aggregation and mitigation strategy in low pH viral inactivation for monoclonal antibody purification, mAbs, 11:8, 1479-1491, DOI: 10.1080/19420862.2019.1658493

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